Feminists Under Fire Exchanges Across War Zones

Feminists Under FireEditor-in-chief Wenona Giles; Edited by Malathi de Alwis, Edith Klein and Neluka Silva  Editorial board member Maja Kora
Between the Lines, May 2003

Feminists Under Fire is about women living and working in conflict zones. Focusing on the civil wars in Sri Lanka and the former Yugoslavia, diverse authors face the problems of nationalism, ethnic conflict, and militarized violence. They explore commonalities and differences between the two regions, and consequences for women, their societies, and feminist politics.

Women are neither simply victimized nor empowered by war; their experiences are more complicated. While they suffer from war-related violence and upheaval, some women living in traditional societies find that war releases them from constricting hierarchies. Others find it reinforces conventional gender roles. This ambivalence needs to be examined and understood.

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